If it's using lots of MFC classes (besides the UI classes) it's probaly
going to mostly be a re-write (which is likely). The MFC classes don't
line-up well with .NET classes (for many reasons).
If you've got some DLLs or decoupled classes that can exist with MFC you
might put those all into a C++ class library in C++ 200x. With IJW or C++
Interop you can compile native C++ into a managed assembly. You'll have
to create managed classes to wrap that native code, but that's usually
pretty straight foward. This will require that that assembly have native
code permissions, if you're in a high-security environment.
On Tue, 15 May 2007 11:04:13 -0400, Peter Osucha
>I am not very proficient in C++ - particularly that from Visual Studio
>6. I have some C++ MFC projects that I need to support and maintain and
>I'd like to turn them into C# projects as quickly as I can. They are
>fairly simple projects (in functionality, at least)... there is an
>interface to handle and respond to TCP requests and then some code to
>independently handle COM ports.
>As I mentioned, I am not proficient in C++. What might be the easiest
>path to move this code (total rewrite, hopefully a somewhat automated
>way to at least attempt a conversion)?
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