How could your _timePanel variable be disposing while the user double-
clicks a status bar panel if the dispose of _timePanel was the result of
user interaction?
Do you mean _timePanel is disposed when the user double-clicks the status
bar panel?
If the time panel is an application-wide shared resource (i.e. a class
member not an instance member) then you might want to override the time
panel's closing event and just hide the panel instead of letting it
close. Then, you could ensure you dispose that panel when the main window
closes. Although, if it's dependant on the main window I would question
why it's not an instance member instead of a class member.
-- Peter
On Tue, 31 Jul 2007 10:02:43 -0400, Peter Osucha
>I am showing a small form 'TimePanel' (which is a FixedToolWindow) as a
>TopMost window in response to a double-click on a status bar panel of my
>main app form (MainAppForm). The form containing the status bar holds a
>class level variable '_timePanel' referencing the TimePanel form.
>In the constructor for MainAppForm, I instantiate the _timePanel object
>- but I don't show it. If the user double clicks on the appropriate
>status bar panel, I check to make sure the _timePanel reference isn't
>null and then I call _timePanel.Show() to show the form.
>The problem... if the user closes the _timePanel form, and then double
>clicks on the status bar panel, an error can occur because the
>_timePanel variable is being disposed.
>How should I be creating this functionality so that this error doesn't
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